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From Pubes to Lubes: 5 Ways to Keep Your Vagina Stay Clean


These days, it seems like everyone—celebrities, gossip columnists, writers, grammar nerds, and everyone in between—is talking about vaginas. Sorting through the dos and don’ts of having a vagina is getting more and more challenging.

Let’s look at a few practices for a healthy vagina. If you are the proud owner of a vagina, here are five things to remember.

Don’t remove the Pubes

It’s acceptable to clip or remove a small amount of hair from the swimsuit line. Please preserve your pubic hair; no one is saying it has to be wild, however you should rock it however you like!

There are numerous uses for pubic hair. It prevents additional bacteria from growing downstairs and gets rid of perspiration and friction-related problems. Less hair removal also means less cuts, scrapes, and ingrown hairs, as well as less itching as the hair grows back.

Don’t douche

I’m sorry to break it to you, but douching is bad for the vagina even though you may appreciate the “summery fresh” smell. Therefore, how do you maintain it tidy?

Fortunately, vaginas are remarkable organs. They not only contribute to the creation of life, but they also take wonderful care of themselves. They achieve this by naturally regulating pH levels and good bacteria.

Also read: Four Tips to Lower the Risk of Cervical Cancer

Douching reduces some of the beneficial bacteria, which alters the pH and increases your susceptibility to illnesses.

Everybody has a distinctive genital odour, and there are natural methods to change it, such as by altering your diet. While asparagus may have the reverse effect, certain foods, such as pineapple, might make the vagina taste or smell sweeter.

Check What Your Lubes Have

Lubrication is wonderful. Everyone involved may experience sex on a whole new level. Nevertheless, certain ingredients are not very good for your body.

One substance related to sugar is glycerin. Although it does a wonderful job of keeping lubes wet, it can also encourage the growth of bacteria in the vagina. Petroleum products should also be avoided since they can alter the pH balance of the vagina. Added things to stay away from include:




nonnatural oils


Wear Breathable Clothing

Fabrics and garments that breathe well are good for the vagina. The best underwear is cotton. Its moisture-wicking abilities help to reduce the amount of moisture that could encourage bacterial growth. Additionally, removing damp garments soon can limit problems. Whatever underwear you want, just remember to switch it out every day.

Sleep Naked

It’s true that your vagina can benefit from sleeping undressed. Getting rid of your underwear for the night might help your vagina breathe, regardless of what you wear during the day. But the advantages don’t end there. Cooler temperatures may be good for your health, according to some research. A quick means of calming down? Become nude. Additionally, you might be surprised by how tremendously liberating and empowering it can be once you’re in the nude.

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