The Power of SIPs and Annual Step-Up: Check Different Scenarios


Investing wisely is akin to mastering the art of sorcery, where strategic moves and a touch of magic can transform your financial future. SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) are the wands that initiate the process, setting the stage for wealth creation. By diligently setting aside a portion of your earnings, you unlock the potential of SIPs, witnessing the wonders of compounding unfold over time.

However, if you truly wish to witness the marvels of wealth multiplication, there’s a secret ingredient that can elevate your financial game: the annual step-up. Picture this – with each passing year, you increase your SIP amount by a mere 10%. It may seem like a small gesture, but its impact is nothing short of extraordinary. The synergy of SIPs, time, and the annual step-up becomes a potent concoction, ensuring your wealth grows exponentially.

In the realm of wealth creation, achieving such feats is no cakewalk. As the saying goes, investing might be simple, but the path to wealth creation is riddled with challenges. The world is teeming with Weapons of Wealth Destruction (WWD) that can derail your financial journey. Your own impulses, driven by fear and greed, often lead you astray, disrupting your investment plans. To compound matters, time, the very essence of wealth multiplication, slips away faster than we realize.

So, how does one harness the magic of SIPs and annual step-ups effectively? Conviction becomes your shield in this battle against financial adversaries. Crafting a well-defined financial plan, outlining your goals, and enlisting the support of an investment expert are crucial steps. Having a knowledgeable guide by your side not only helps you navigate the complexities of the financial landscape but also serves as a steadying hand, ensuring your investment decisions remain sound even in the face of market volatility.

In this mystical journey of wealth creation, SIPs, time, and the annual step-up stand as your allies, transforming your financial dreams into reality. With the right strategy and unwavering determination, you can harness the power of sorcery in the world of investments, crafting a prosperous future for yourself and your loved ones.


This article explores the potential of reaching a significant financial milestone of Rs 5 crore by increasing the monthly SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) by 10% every year, assuming a 12% annual return rate. The data is sourced from FundsIndia’s ‘Wealth Conversations Report’ for June 2023.

For those starting with a monthly SIP of Rs 10,000, without any annual increase, the goal of Rs 5 crore can be achieved in 29 years and 8 months at a 12% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). However, with a 10% annual increment in the SIP amount, the same goal can be reached in a shorter period of 26 years and 1 month.

If the initial SIP amount is doubled to Rs 20,000, the target of Rs 5 crore can be attained in 24 years and 4 months without any annual escalation. Introducing a 10% annual increase in the SIP brings this achievement closer, shortening the timeline to 21 years and 6 months at a 12% CAGR.

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Moving on to a monthly SIP of Rs 25,000, without any annual adjustment, the goal can be met in 22 years and 9 months at a 12% CAGR. Introducing the 10% annual increment further reduces the duration to 20 years and 1 month.

For a monthly SIP of Rs 30,000, reaching Rs 5 crore can take 21 years and 5 months without annual increments. Incorporating a 10% annual increase in the SIP amount accelerates the process, enabling the achievement of the target in 18 years and 11 months at a 12% CAGR.

Increasing the monthly SIP to Rs 40,000 shortens the timeline significantly. Without any annual escalation, the goal can be met in 19 years and 5 months at a 12% CAGR. Introducing a 10% annual increase further hastens the accomplishment to 17 years and 2 months.

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For those investing Rs 50,000 monthly, the objective of Rs 5 crore can be reached in 17 years and 10 months without annual increments. With the 10% annual increase, this goal can be achieved in 15 years and 10 months at a 12% CAGR.

A monthly SIP of Rs 75,000 can lead to reaching Rs 5 crore in 15 years and 2 months without any annual adjustments. Incorporating a 10% annual increment shortens the timeline to 13 years and 7 months at a 12% CAGR.

Lastly, a monthly SIP of Rs 1 lakh can help attain Rs 5 crore in 13 years and 5 months without annual increments. Introducing the 10% annual increase further expedites the process, enabling the achievement of the target in 12 years at a 12% CAGR.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Actual investment outcomes may vary based on individual circumstances and market conditions. It is advisable to consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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