Varun Dhawan just made the Christmas extra special for his fans with his recent release Baby John which had hit the screens on December 25. Jointly Produced by Atlee and Murad Khetani, Baby John is the official Bollywood remake of the 2016 release Tamil film Theri which featured Thalapathy Vijay in the lead. Directed and written by Kalees, Baby John is Varun’s first big release of the year and also features Keerthy Suresh, Jackie Shroff and Wamiqa Gabbi in the lead.
The film has witnessed a promising start at the box office. On its opening day, the Kaless directorial made Rs 12.50 crore, reported Sacnilk. Baby John saw 24.97% occupancy for Hindi screenings. Baby John marks Varun Dhawan’s biggest opening in the past 5 years.
Baby John has been one of the most anticipated releases of the year and presented Varun in a different avatar. The movie marks Keerthy’s Bollywood debut and her first project with Varun. While Varun’s performance as a cop grabbed eyeballs, fans have been quite excited to watch his face off with Jackie Shroff who plays the role of lead antagonist in Baby John. Interestingly, Baby John has managed to create a massive buzz in the town so far.
Baby John Box Office Collection Day 1
According to a report published in Sacnilk, Baby John saw a decent start at the box office as it released on Christmas with an opening day collection of Rs 12.50 crores and recorded Varun’s highest opener post pandemic.
Baby John Box Office Collection Day 2 Prediction
Given the ongoing trend, Baby John is likely to see a drop in numbers post Christmas celebrations. The action thriller is expected to mint Rs 10-12 crores today (day 2/ first Thursday) and will be crossing Rs 20-23 crores mark at the box office.
Baby John Film Story
Baby John tells the compelling tale of a Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) whose life is upended by a series of unforeseen incidents. Determined to safeguard his loved ones, he sets out on a relentless journey, navigating countless challenges and traversing varied terrains to ensure their safety. Baby John film story revolve around a DCP who transforms and travels to different place in order to safeguard his family.
Baby John Film Cast and Crew
Filmmakers | Role |
Kalees | Director |
Sumit Arora | Writer |
Kalees | Writer |
Atlee | Producer |
Priya Atlee | Producer |
Jyoti Deshpande | Producer |
Murad Khetani | Producer |
S. Thaman | Composer |
Kiran Koushik | Cinematographer |
Antony L. Ruben | Editor |
Muthuraj | Production Designer |
Cast | Role |
Wamiqa Gabbi | Tara / Adhira Verman IPS, Khushi’s teacher |
Salman Khan | Cop |
Keerthy Suresh | Dr. Meera Verma, Satya’s wife |
Varun Dhawan | Baby John |
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