Spectrum Auction 2023-24 Concludes Successfully Govt gets Rs 11340 Crores through Spectrum Auction


Spectrum Auction 2023-24 concludes successfully Rs 11,340 crore revenue received through auction of a total quantum of 141.4 MHz spectrum Unsold spectrum will again be put to auction next time. Auction held to meet new spectrum requirement of Telecom Service Providers and for renewal of expiring licenses for continuity and growth of mobile services.

The expiring spectrum in 2024 and the unsold spectrum of previous Spectrum Auction held in 2022 were put to auction this year to meet spectrum requirement of Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) to ensure continuity and growth of the services.

All the available spectrum in 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2500 MHz, 3300 MHz, and 26 GHz bands were put to auction. This year auction has seen activity in 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz and 2500 MHz bands.

The Auction started on 25th June 2024 at 10:00 AM and concluded on 26th June 2024 at 11:45 AM after 7 rounds. As auction for 5G spectrum was held recently & 5G Monetization is still in progress, no bidding took place in 800MHz, 2300MHz, 3300MHz and 26GHz bands. A total quantum of 141.4 MHz (26.5%) was sold from the balance 533.6 MHz Spectrum. This is despite the fact that a very large amount of spectrum i.e., 51.2 Ghz of spectrum was sold in August 2022.

All the three TSPs i.e., M/s Bharti Airtel Limited, M/s Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited and M/s Vodafone Idea Limited have successfully bid and taken spectrum in this auction also for growth and continuity of services. A total quantum of 141.4 MHz spectrum of worth Rs 11,340 Crores was sold.

(All values in MHz)

S.NoName of the Bidder900 MHz1800 MHz2100 MHz2500 MHzTotal
1.M/s Bharti Airtel Ltd.423520 97
2.M/s Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. 14.4  14.4
3.M/s Vodafone Idea Ltd.18.81.2 1030
Grand Total60.850.62010141.4

Table 1: Band/bidder wise summary of quantum of spectrum sold

(All values in Rs crore)

S.NoName of the Bidder900 MHz1800 MHz2100 MHz2500 MHzTotal
1.M/s Bharti Airtel Ltd.38252486.76545 6856.76
2.M/s Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. 973.62  973.62
3.M/s Vodafone Idea Ltd.3241.6118.80 1503510.40
Grand Total7066.63579.1854515011340.78

Table 2: Band/bidder wise summary of value of spectrum sold

M/s Bharti Airtel Ltd. and M/s Vodafone Idea Ltd. have successfully renewed their expired spectrum in 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands and further an additional quantum of 87.2 MHz worth Rs 6164.88 cr has been acquired by TSPs to augment their services. The unsold spectrum will again be put to auction next time.

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