How To Protect Seniors From Extreme Winter and Cold?


For the elderly, who are more prone to injuries and diseases owing to poor immunity, the winter season might be a bit difficult and present health-related dangers. Elderly people are more likely to experience hypothermia, a condition in which the body loses heat more quickly than it can create. Winter also heralds the tissue’s expansion, which results in joint pain and swelling. So, here are some strategies you can use to care for the elderly in your house.

Ensure they are warm

Make sure they are dressed warmly. Wear woollen clothing, gloves, stockings, mufflers, hats, and anything else that will keep your body warm. Do not wait until they begin to tremble. As elderly people have low immunity, they are more susceptible to falling sick.

Keep them active

When it’s cold outside, we all enjoy curling up under our blankets and spending the entire day inside. But just like us, it is crucial for seniors to remain active in order to avoid sluggishness, stiffness, and pain. Encourage them to do yoga, go for a stroll, or engage in other low-intensity exercises. They will remain energised all day long thanks to this regulation of blood flow. Additionally, it will support their immune system’s ability to fend off the flu and colds.

Use lukewarm water to shower

Your elderly parents may experience joint swelling; a warm shower will make them feel better. Hot showers may seem appealing, but they can dry out the skin and result in skin problems. Make sure they apply cream or moisturiser to the skin after a shower to keep it hydrated.

Drink enough water

Winter causes us to feel less thirsty, which frequently results in fewer water consumption. As a result, our body becomes dehydrated. To remove toxins from the body, make sure everyone drinks adequate water. You can suggest that your parents and grandparents drink lukewarm water throughout the winter instead of hot or room temperature water. Throughout the day, they can also savour sips of green tea, ginger water, or lemon water.

A balanced diet

Lean meats, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, vegetables, and fruits should all be consumed along with whole grains. Along with vitamin D, up your vitamin C consumption. Assemble a daily diet that includes cashews, anjeer, walnuts, and pistachios.

The cold wave in winners is on and it is important to ensure that elders and seniors are always safe and warm. Following these tips will help them feel fine throughout the season.

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